Have you ever given any thought to a pre-shot routine when it comes to golf? If you watch any good golfer, especially the pro's, you will notice that they all have a pre-shot routine that helps them to set up to the golf ball the same, every single time.

Here is a tip to help you to develop a good pre-shot routine, and thus improve your accuracy:

Walk up to your ball and stand behind it facing where you want to hit the ball. Now imagine the shot you are going to need to get to the target. Now draw an imaginary line from the target back toward your ball, and pick a spot on the ground a few feet in front of your ball.

When I say pick a spot, I mean it could be anything from a grass blade, to a small pebble on the ground. Now take your golf club that you have decided to use and set the clubface square to the target using the spot that you have picked out on the ground. Now line up your body to this line. If you have done it right, you will be aimed perfectly to your intended target.

Begin using this pre-shot method and you will improve your accuracy tremendously. Use this tip when you practice and when you play golf and hopefully you will benefit.

A Tip That is Very Important for Golfing Beginners
Not having the right shafts for your golf clubs can truly affect your game. Oftentimes, golfers who are new to the game do not pay attention to the types of shafts they have or need. Taking that into account an important piece of information you need to consider is the length of your shafts.

Shaft Length Measuring for Beginners
There are a number of ways that golf fitters use to determine the proper shaft length. One popular way is to have the individual stand straight up and to let their arms hang down naturally. You would then measure the distance from the fold on their wrist to the floor. If you are wondering which wrist to measure from, a good rule of thumb is to ask the golfer which hand they wear there golf glove.

A second way to determine proper shaft length is by basing it upon the height of the golfer. You can then do a search on the Internet for charts that show you the recommend length of shaft based on the golfers height. This method is not as accurate but can work in a pinch, but it still comes down to feel.

Sometimes it is as easy as asking the golfer to take a number of demo clubs that are varying lengths and have them go out and hit balls with them. If the golfer finds one that he hits extremely well, then base the rest of the clubs on that particular length. The best recommendation is to go to a local golf shop and have a golf pro fit you.

Shaft Length Conclusion for Beginners

Having a set of clubs fitted to your golf swing is very important and finding the proper length is a good start. I hope that this reminder will help you to get on the path to finding the perfect swing for you.